Exam Nerves
Lots and lots of people get really anxious before an exam. Just getting nervous and having a few ‘butterflies’ in the stomach is fine. That is a good sign in fact. But when the nerves get so bad that you can’t function properly, you have a problem.There are three main groups of people who get bad exam nerves.
The first group are those who have not learned the material properly. This could be for a whole lot of reasons. It may be because they haven’t done the work. But it may be because they don’t know how to learn properly. See “learning difficulties” page.
The second group are those who have developed a negative reaction to sitting exams. They may have had a bad experience in previous exams. The negative attitude could come from any number of sources. That is not the important thing. What is important is that negativity is now stopping the person from being able to do themselves justice in the exam.
The third group are those people who believe that they have been learning the material but, in fact, have not been learning it effectively. This group can get quite confused when they get poor exam results. This can lead to anxiety in later exams.
If you are getting really stressed about an exam you will begin to lose your ability to study properly. There is lots of evidence that shows that when you are stressed over any length of time not only is your ability to perform tasks, including learning, diminished, but you become less healthy. Your immune system begins to go down. You begin to get sick.
To be successful at your exams you need to be learning efficiently, keeping yourself healthy, and you need to have a positive attitude towards both the learning and the exams.
This means that you need to know how to learn in the way that is most effective for you. You need to look after yourself. That means keeping hydrated, eating healthy food, getting regular exercise, having limited amounts of coffee and alcohol, and getting enough rest. And you need to develop a positive attitude towards your learning and the exams you are sitting.
At Huddleston Hypnotherapy we can help you deal will most of these issues.