Hypnotherapy Order Form
To order one of our CD's or to download as an MP3, complete the order form below. Payments can be made directly into our bank account: Kiwi Bank 38 9006 0105189 00
All CDs except snoring* $29.95 NZD each. Packaging and postage no extra cost. All MP3 downloads $21.95 NZD each. Two weight control booklets - "Weight Control" and "Weight Control and the Food We Eat" are $15 NZD for the two, please advise us whther you would like these email or posted to you when you order.
*Snoring is only available on CD at this stage. $89.95 NZD per set. Packaging and postage no extra cost. Delivery time 5 to 7 days in most cases.
All recordings come with a brief set of written instructions just to make sure that you get the maximum benefit.